Thursday, April 1, 2010

Drum Roll Please......

We are officially home owners!!! Yeah!! Yahoo!!

We started the search process back in February. It took us about two outings and 10 condos later to finally narrow it down to what we wanted in a home for the next 3-5 years. Our new address is in: Lake Oswego. I know. I know. But you can't beat the miles of trees and walk paths around our place. Anyways, we finally closed yesterday and were given the keys at 3:30pm. It's a 2 bedroom - 2 bath totalling 1,200 sqft. We really don't need more than that to start out. We came from 450sqft in Korea, remember?

We were banking on everything going threw because we had already picked out our carpet for the upstairs and Jesse met us there to do a final measurement. :) We also already picked out the paint swatches for all the rooms and we are going to Home Depot tonight to gather up the finals paint tools we need to go to town on our place this weekend. As our house warming gifts to ourselves; Patrick bought a receiver and speakers for the living room, and I got...
The Cuisinart 900bc!! I am so excited. It came yesterday too!! Yes there is a Burr grinder on top of the coffee pot. You place whole beans in the sealed canister and all you have to do is set it to the amount of cups and it does everything for you. You even have a strength setting, but we only drink bold so we really don't need that feature. No more hassle with the grinder the morning of, just a push of a button. Genius!! Ok back to the condo.

A few photos of the new digs: This is the living room.

Patrick reaching for our new keys to lock up.

We decided to send Reesa to a spa retreat because we won't see her much this weekend as we get her room ready for the big move!! We checked her in to the a la casa Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Larry for the weekend. She's so stoked. I think she selected the mud bath, full body massage, and the paraffin foot dip. Of course she will have a mani-pedi to top it all off.

More photos to come after we get it all spifffed up Ortiz-Kelley style.

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